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The Financial Wildfire is Coming - BTCM Podcast 5.3
1 min read

The Financial Wildfire is Coming - BTCM Podcast 5.3

News regarding the repo market has seemingly died down as of late; however, things have become far more interesting despite the lack of headlines.
The Financial Wildfire is Coming - BTCM Podcast 5.3

News regarding the repo market has seemingly died down as of late; however, things have become far more interesting despite the lack of headlines. In this episode we give you an update on the current state of the repo market with special attention to the Fed’s extension of term and overnight purchases. In addition, we briefly discuss the reigniting of QE (quantitative easing) in the form of treasury purchases by the Fed. At the end we dive into just how and why the Fed's policies are dangerous, and describe how bitcoin and gold are better to build a financial system on.


Why this is QE

Fed Balance sheet

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